Sales Coaching Powerhouse: Strategic Selling Methodology, Module 3
Pasākuma sākums
07.06.2024 · 10:00
Pasākuma beigas
07.06.2024 · 11:00

The last of a series of three 1-hour sales training webinars to help you better plan your sales activities at a strategic level. Feel free to participate in one or all of them.


Recent shifts in consumer behaviour and market demands necessitate a strategic approach to sales. The workshop will explore methodologies that empower sales teams to adapt and thrive. Strategic selling is imperative for staying ahead in a competitive market. Failing to adopt effective sales strategies may result in reduced market share.

It is strategic selling methodology and dealmaking for deals in any sector, but particularly complex negotiation environments such as B2G or B2B of a medium to large scale so €100,000+ single deal size. It involves negotiating with multiple stakeholders.

Training Focus:

  • Unpacking strategic selling methodologies.
  • Providing practical tools for implementing effective sales coaching.

Target Audience:

  • Ideal for sales professionals, sales managers, and anyone involved in the sales process.
  • CEOs and CFOs can gain insights into enhancing overall organisational sales effectiveness.

The webinars are based on three different books:

Module 1: Getting to yes - negotiating agreement without giving in

8 May 2024 at 10-11 a.m.

Module 2: SPIN Selling - situation, problem, implication, need-payoff

29 May 2024 at 10-11 a.m.


Module 3: Strategic Selling with Miller Heiman

7 June 2024 at 10-11 a.m.


Speaker: Alistair Starling

Alistair Starling is a former UK Diplomat, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, FCO, where he assisted companies to trade and invest internationally for 10 years. He is multilingual, and levers his 20 year private sector / 10 year government sector, Business Development, Design and Innovation experience to achieve results within 1st, 2nd and 3rd sector organisations. Alistair worked in the founding teams of other start-ups, in the recruitment sector (The Cambridge Hub), internet design sector (IconMedialab), and therefore understands the pace and focus of the commercial sector. Alistair led complex government sales development across Europe and Africa for a world famous brand - Cambridge. He has two Master degrees (one from the University of Cambridge), and an Undergraduate Degree in the creative industries.