Data Analyst
02.09.2024 · 13:00
20.12.2024 · 20:00


Online certificate course

Data Analyst for your company – an online certificate course to boost your knowledge! 

Data is rocket fuel for companies. Whether in sales, marketing, or logistics - data supports decision-making and improves competitiveness. Therefore, we want to offer you a unique possibility to become a certified Data Analyst!  

Why Data Analysis? In today's digital age, data is a critical asset. Every industry needs experts who can analyse and leverage data to streamline operations, foster innovation, and enhance value creation. This course equips you with the skills to do just that.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Practical skills to analyse and optimize business processes using data
  • The ability to support data-driven decisions in areas such as production, marketing, and logistics
  • Increased competitiveness through successful data projects
  • Enhanced career prospects by fostering innovation within your organization

Who Should Join and What Are the Requirements?

  • Professionals from all sectors
  • Basic understanding of data and data processing
  • No programming skills needed (familiarity with tools like MS Excel is beneficial)
  • Proficiency in English

The online certificate course costs 1.950 Euro, including 57 online training hours and 26 training hours for your self-study program and the AHK certificate!

For more information, please see below. Exact dates oft the curriculum will follow. 

